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5 Years, 5000 CDs

Friday July 8, 2011

It's been just over 5 years even since I updated this blog. Trends come and go, I suppose. But, my lust for music goes on unabated, as today I entered my 5000th CD into the database. Click on the CD List link above to bask in the splendor of my >>more

More Futurism

Wednesday July 5, 2006

On a decidedly un-prog note, I saw The Futureheads on Friday at the lovely Webster Hall in New York. My devotion to this band is more or less obsessive; I own every EP, 7", and CD single that they've released in their brief existence, and let me assure you: that's >>more

Yesterday's cutting edge music... today!

Monday June 26, 2006

I went to Nearfest this weekend; it's an annual prog-rock festival held in Bethlehem, PA (the town that actually inspired the Billy Joel song, "Allentown"). I don't normally consider myself a great fan of prog-rock. I own a few Yes albums, a few old Genesis albums, an ELP album, etc. >>more

Hickee Appreciation

Monday June 12, 2006

I don't read a lot of comics these days, mainly because I'm not willing to carve time out of my "find new metal bands that no one has heard of" schedule in order to suppliment my "find new comic books that will validate my self-image as an intelligent consumer of >>more

Lizard People of West Chester

Thursday June 8, 2006

My friend Rob hosts a party every year called Camp Naked Terror; the 2006 party was the fifth iteration of the annual event, but I have never actually made it to one. I've been invited all five years, I believe, but there's always been something else going on that weekend, >>more

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